What you need to know about the informational interview
If you're curious about an industry, company or even a career path, use this casual introduction to learn about your interests. It's also a great way for employers to learn about you, in case there's a job opening on the horizon. Here's our best advice to follow before, during (questions to ask) and after an informational interview.
- First, identify potential contacts. People who have jobs you find intriguing and inspiring. Be resourceful. Scour the internet, filter through your social networks, and check out trade or business publications and newsletters. Look up leaders of local industry or business associations that you admire. Tell your family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, former teachers and classmates about your informational interview and ask them for suggestions of people you should reach out to. More often than not, people are willing to help if you simply ask.
- Reach out appropriately. As you develop your list of potential contacts, reach out to each person through a brief introductory, email or phone call explaining your background, career goals, interests and what you hope to gain from the meeting.
- Define your expectations and goals. Remember, you are the one responsible for setting the meeting agenda, it's important to determine what you want to get out of it and craft relevant questions beforehand. This preparation will help you elicit the best information to inform your career direction and job search.
- Prepare for your interview. How much you take away from an informational interview depends largely on how thoroughly you prepare for the meeting. Make sure you have researched your interviewee and are familiar with his or her background and major accomplishments. Next, explore the company's website. Pay particular attention to the "About" section, staff biographies and the company's latest press releases to prepare relevant questions. Reviewing company literature such as brochures and annual reports will also provide a treasure trove of helpful data. Finally, set up a Google alerts for both your industry and target companies to ensure you don't miss big news.
- Dress professionally and arrive early (even if it's a virtual interview).
- Show an interest in what the person you're interviewing has to say. If someone realizes you are invested in the conversation, they're likely to offer more in-depth advice (and, you know, it's just good manners).
- Make eye contact and remember to smile.
- Consider documenting your conversation. Taking notes helps to demonstrate your interest and refresh your memory of the conversation later. (Pro tip: Ask your interviewee first if he or she minds you taking notes or recording the conversation.)
- Be prepared to go "off script." While being mindful of your interviewee's time, if he or she begins to follow an interesting tangent, go with the flow. What they say may end up being more valuable than the answers to your prepared questions.
- Speak about your qualifications and interest in a position, company or industry if an interviewee asks you more formal job questions.
- Ask your interviewee for suggestions of other professionals who would be beneficial to interview before ending the conversation.
- Never overstay your welcome. Whether it's lingering too long in person or on the phone, it's important to read signals and respond accordingly.
- Verbally thank the person who just carved out time in their busy day to speak with you. (And if you've met at a public place like a coffee shop, be sure to pick up the tab.)
- Don't ask for a job. While your ultimate objective may be to find a new job, you should never ask for one at an informational interview. The goal of the meeting is to build your knowledge about a particular position, company or industry, and to NETWORK. The person may feel deceived if you don't follow through with the original intent of the discussion. A job offer may come naturally at some point, but at this point, you shouldn't be the one to initiate that discussion.
- Immediately after the informational interview, send an email thanking the person for his or her time. Always follow up within 24 hours. If you said you'd send an article, contact someone or take another action, do it right away.
- Next, follow up with a handwritten note that goes into greater detail about the information or advice you gained from the meeting, and express your appreciation.
- As time goes on, continue to strengthen the relationship by keeping your interviewee apprised of developments in your career. You never know how and when he or she may be able to help you again (e.g., alert you, or recommend you for future job openings.
- Always think of how to give back to those who give you time. Though you may not be able to return the favor immediately, keep track of those who help you and remember them when you're in a position to help them later on.
- Ask how the person would prefer to stay in touch, assuming you made a connection and would like to continue building the relationship, If there was no chemistry, move on.
- Know the professional boundaries. Sending a professional email request is fine —but never casually instant message or text someone you don't know well.
We've put together several articles to help you do your best in any interview
Interviews — the make or break moments in a job search
What to wear for different job interviews based on the company
Informational interviews: The what, why and how
Body language do's and don'ts in the interview
Definition of the informational interview: Wikipedia
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