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Companies hiring this week (July 13)

CareerBuilder job insights

Find a job near you and in companies and industries that are hiring right now.

The coronavirus pandemic is far from over, including its impact on employment. Keep up to date with who’s hiring each week, and make sure your resume is uploaded to the CareerBuilder job board to get in front of thousands of employers.

Companies hiring now

The top companies that currently have job openings are still primarily in the trucking, transportation, shipping and retail sectors – with the notable addition of Starbucks on this week’s chart. Check out thousands of open Amazon jobs here.

Jobs available now

Truck drivers are still in high-demand, with more than 92,000 positions open. Search for registered nurse positions, retail supervisor roles or software developer jobs.

Industries with open jobs

Administrative, support and waste management sectors have a combined 156,000+ jobs available right now, with health care and social assistance, retail, and transportation and warehousing close behind. Search here for open roles by industry.