Interview infographic - how to get to the next round
Interviews can be stressful and uncertain, but if you want to stand out from the competition in a positive way it's important to always have questions prepared for the very end. Not sure which questions you should be asking? Here's a simple guide to help.
1. While Researching [The Company] I Learned [Something You Learned], Can You Tell Me More About That? [1]
By asking this question you'll not only prove that you've researched the company, but also that you can hold a conversation — two qualities that your interviewer is likely seeking in candidates.
2. Why is This Job Open?[1]
Don't be limited to only asking questions that promote yourself. Some questions, like this one, can give you information about the company's promotion practices and turnover.
3. What Does Success Look Like in the First 90 Days?[2]
It's always good to appear ambitious to your interviewer, and this question will help you do just that. Plus, it will likely reveal whether company expectations of employees are realistic or not.
4. What is the Overall Structure of the Company and How Does Your Department Fit?[3]
To gain a better understanding of company culture, structure, and hierarchy — and express interest in the organization — this is the perfect question to ask your interviewer.
5. What Challenges is the Company Currently Facing? [2]
Depending on your interviewer's answer, this question could give you insight into everything from profitability to recent layoffs.
No matter what job you're interviewing for be sure to ask at least a few of these questions to make a good impression and increase your chances of getting hired.