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Transformation Consultant
16,021 Transformation Consultant
Jobs Available
in US
25.24 - 76.51/hour
Transformation Consultant SKILLS
These are the skills employers want to see on your resume for a Transformation Consultant role.
Professional Skill
- Medicare
- Managed care
- Healthcare effectiveness data and information set
- Continuous quality improvement (cqi)
- Medicaid
- Credentialing
- Medical management
- Performance improvement
- Clinic management systems
IT Skill
- Quality management
Recommended Jobs
Recommended Jobs for Transformation Consultant in US
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M10 days agoBackoffice Transformation Consultant Mc Kinsey Implementation AssociateMc Kinsey & Company NJ - Newark Full-Time
M10 days agoBackoffice Transformation Consultant Mc Kinsey Implementation AssociateMc Kinsey & Company NY - New York Full-Time
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