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NDT Technician SKILLS
These are the skills employers want to see on your resume for a NDT Technician role.
Professional Skill
- Manufacturing
- Non-destructive testing (ndt)
- Use ndt method
- Perform ndt procedure
- Perform nondestructive inspection
- Radiographic testing
- Understand detailed instructions
- Operate test equipment
- X-ray equipment
IT Skill
- Perform calibration test
- Calibration
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Recommended Jobs for Ndt Technician in US
A20 days agoPowertrain Mechanic/Ndt Technician With Security ClearanceAkima KY - Fort Campbell Full-Time
S25 days agoNdt Level 3 TechnicianSts Technical Services TN - Cookeville Full-Time
A24 days agoNon Destructive Test (Ndt) Technician And TrainerAvion Solutions, Inc. AL - Huntsville Full-Time
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