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Design Engineer (Architecture and Engineering)
299,529 Design Engineer (Architecture and Engineering)
Jobs Available
in US
21.12 - 48.79/hour
Design Engineer (Architecture and Engineering) SKILLS
These are the skills employers want to see on your resume for a Design Engineer (Architecture and Engineering) role.
Professional Skill
- Structural engineering
- Structural analysis
- Product design
- Concept design
- Engineering analysis
- Product engineering
- Engineering design process
IT Skill
- Engineering
- Computer-aided design
- Autocad
- 3d modeling
- Computer-aided manufacturing
- Design principles
- Prototyping methods
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Recommended Jobs for Design Engineer (Architecture And Engineering) in US
L17 days agoMid Career Systems Engineer Architecture And Design With Security ClearanceLockheed Martin PA - King of Prussia Full-Time
N3 days agoAssociate Engineer A/B (Electrical, Hvac, Structural) Architecture & Engineering In House Design StudioNew York City School Construction Authority NY - New York Full-Time
N1 day agoSenior Director Architecture & Engineering (In House Design Studio)New York City School Construction Authority NY - New York Full-Time
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