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Digital Media Specialist

7,193 Digital Media Specialist
Jobs Available
in US
$ 15.86 - 58.20/hour

Resumes of Digital Media Specialist

Writing an effective Digital Media Specialist resume is an essential part of your job search. Make sure you include a summary of your experience and goals, plus, list relevant work experience, certifications and computer programs you know. Also, highlight your skills, such as: being a good communicator, managing projects and more.

Be sure to use some of the same words found in the job description, and don't forget to proofread! Our Digital Media Specialist resume examples will guide you through this process. Build your resume at CareerBuilder in a few clicks or, upload an existing one, now.


Typical Digital Media Specialist responsibilities to be added to your resume.

  • Confer with production or support personnel to produce or coordinate production of advertisements or promotions.

  • Plan or conduct market or public opinion research to test products or determine potential for product success, communicating results to client or management.

  • Develop plans or materials to communicate activities undertaken by organizations that are beneficial to the environment, public safety, or other important social issues.

  • Confer with other managers to identify trends or key group interests or concerns or to provide advice on business decisions.

  • Purchase advertising space or time as required to promote client's product or agenda.

  • Prepare or deliver speeches to further public relations objectives.

  • Study the objectives, promotional policies, or needs of organizations to develop public relations strategies that will influence public opinion or promote ideas, products, or services.

  • Coach client representatives in effective communication with the public or with employees.

  • Consult with advertising agencies or staff to arrange promotional campaigns in all types of media for products, organizations, or individuals.

  • Prepare or edit organizational publications, such as employee newsletters or stockholders' reports, for internal or external audiences.

  • Develop marketing campaigns for environmental technologies or services.

  • Update and maintain content posted on the Web.

  • Write press releases or other media communications to promote clients.

  • Plan or direct development or communication of programs to maintain favorable public or stockholder perceptions of an organization's accomplishments, agenda, or environmental responsibility.

  • Respond to requests for information from the media or designate an appropriate spokesperson or information source.

  • Arrange public appearances, lectures, contests, or exhibits for clients to increase product or service awareness or to promote goodwill.


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