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Oracle Developer

16,918 Oracle Developer
Jobs Available
in US
$ 34.27 - 95.24/hour


Oracle Developer Salary in US

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Oracle Developer also qualify for the following roles. You should evaluate them to see if they are better fit for your financial and life style goals

  • Sql Developer
    $ 34.27 - 95.24/hour

    Write custom scripts to help clean and validate data. Create custom dashboards that are updated when more data is added to the database. Extract data from multiple sources and perform data integration using ETL (extract, transform and load) to blend the data. Must have a working knowledge of database structure and how to transfer data from one type of data structure to another. Design, maintain and update the existing database. Generate custom reports when needed. Debug and resolve technical issues in the database. Bachelor’s degree in science/engineering or computer science or relevant experience is required.

  • Database Administrator
    $ 25.49 - 73.98/hour

    Administer, test, and implement computer databases, applying knowledge of database management systems. Coordinate changes to computer databases. Identify, investigate, and resolve database performance issues, database capacity, and database scalability. May plan, coordinate, and implement security measures to safeguard computer databases.

  • Programmer
    $ 26.11 - 75.81/hour

    Create, modify, and test the code and scripts that allow computer applications to run. Work from specifications drawn up by software and web developers or other individuals. May develop and write computer programs to store, locate, and retrieve specific documents, data, and information.

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