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Human Resources (HR) Director

1,349 Human Resources (HR) Director
Jobs Available
in New Jersey
$ 36.83 - 107.87/hour


Human Resources (Hr) Director Salary in New Jersey

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Human Resources (Hr) Director also qualify for the following roles. You should evaluate them to see if they are better fit for your financial and life style goals

  • Human Resources (Hr) Manager (Management)
    $ 36.83 - 107.87/hour

    Plan, direct, or coordinate human resources activities and staff of an organization.

  • Vice President (Vp)
    $ 36.02 - 128.21/hour

    This role provides strategic vision and advice to the president. And steps in as the acting president when the president is not in office. Must have enough accounting and finance knowledge to give input on the overall condition of the market and the feasibility of the company’s plans. Ability to negotiate contracts and agreements. Develop and implement management strategies and processes. Must have impeccable communication skills. Ability to prioritize without supervision and delegate tasks effectively. Create a performance-based culture and track all KPIs of all departments. Step in and provide insight to solve roadblocks and keep the company on track to meet its annual targets.

  • Human Resources (Hr) Generalist
    $ 36.83 - 107.87/hour

    Recruit, screen, interview, or place individuals within an organization. May perform other activities in multiple human resources areas.

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