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2024 Summer Paid Program (Full-Time, ...

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2024 Summer Paid Program (Full-Time, Paid Summer Placements for Law Students)

New York State Teachers' Retirement System New York, NY (Onsite) Full-Time
Derived Salary: $19.38 - $0/Hour

Summer 2024 Paid ProgramFull-Time, Paid Summer Placements for Law Students

The application deadline is March 1, 2024*The Office of the New York State Attorney General (OAG) is one of the largest public-interest law firms in the country. The Attorney General, along with herstaff of 700+ attorneys, are charged with guarding the legal rights of New York’s more than 20 million residents, its organizations, and its natural resources, aswell as defending actions and proceedings on behalf of the state and advising the Executive branch of state government. To further the spirit of this mission,the OAG is committed to increasing diversity and inclusion at all levels of its hiring.

During the 2024 Summer Program, the OAG will offer full-time, paid placements for law students who demonstrate an interest in pursuing a legal career inpublic service, government, and/or law enforcement. There is limited funding for this program and the OAG’s goal is to provide hands-on learningopportunities to as many law students as possible.

We know that a number of law schools guarantee summer funding for students seeking public interest/service placements. We encourage you to conferwith your school’s public interest/service career advisors or financial aid office for more information about available funding for public interest/serviceplacements with a government agency, such as the OAG, and to consider applying for a Summer Public Service Fellowship at the OAG instead. Pleasereview the OAG’s 2024 Summer Public Service Fellowship posting for more information.

The OAG is seeking hardworking and talented law students who have excellent legal research and writing skills; fluency in other languages in addition toEnglish is a plus but is not required. Applicants are encouraged to learn more about the OAG prior to submitting their applications by reviewing theinformation that is available on the public website about bureaus and regional offices.

Summer Program Experience

• Placements are available within the Divisions of Criminal Justice, Economic Justice, Social Justice, State Counsel, Appeals and Opinions, RegionalAffairs, and Executive.

• Law students selected for the program will be placed with one of the divisions/bureaus in the main offices in either Manhattan or Albany, or inone of the 13 smaller regional offices. The practice area of a bureau is generally reflected in its name.

• The regional offices are full-service locations handling civil and criminal matters as well as state counsel matters in defense of New York State.• Selected law students will assist attorneys in all phases of their work. By conducting law-related assignments, students will be exposed to a broad

range of legal work that will allow them to gain valuable public interest law experience. Assignments may include but not be limited to the following:writing memoranda, drafting pleadings, writing discovery requests or responses, preparing for and attending depositions, hearings, or in- courtmatters, interviewing clients, witnesses, and experts, assisting with investigations, case negotiations, and conducting general legal researchassignments.

• In their assigned bureau/office, students will have the opportunity to interact regularly with attorneys who are working on innovative and impactful

cases. Students hired for the summer benefit from a hands-on learning experience and an exciting and dynamic professional environment.• A key objective will be for law students to finish their placements with a legal writing sample.

• The OAG is offering students two program format options during the 2024 Summer Program: hybrid or remote. Please review the following for

information about each format option. Format availability will vary by bureau and location, please see the posting for details.1) A hybrid placement option, which means students may report to their designated workstation two or three (2-3) days per week. On the days

students will be working remotely, they will need to have access to a reliable computer, a secure internet connection, a phone, and asufficiently quiet and private workspace to telework.

2) A remote placement, which means students will telecommute for the duration of their placements. Students in this format must haveaccess to a reliable computer, a secure internet connection, a phone, and a sufficiently quiet and private workspace to telework. Please beadvised, students hired for remote, paid placements must be available to complete their payroll onboarding paperwork in-person at theOAG’s offices in Albany or New York City or at one of the 13 regional office locations around New York State.

• To be eligible for a paid summer placement, applicants must be able to demonstrate they are full-time law students in good academic standingas defined by their schools.

• Law students hired for the program will work full-time (37.5 hours/week) for the 8 weeks of the program.• Applications will be received online until March 1, 2024, and paid placement offers will be made on a rolling basis.*• Law students will be hired as legal aides and paid the hourly rate of $19.38.• The program will run from May 20 – July 12, 2024. Students hired for the program must be available to work during these dates and for the entire eight

(8) weeks of the program.• Law students should only apply to those bureaus and/or regional offices that are of interest to them. Location preferences will be honored; however,

bureau assignments may ultimately be made based upon the needs of the OAG.• Applicants must be available to meet by video conference for interviews.• U.S. citizenship and New York State residency are not required, but applicants must be eligible to be employed in the U.S.

The following bureaus/offices have paid placements available during the 2024 Summer Program:

Regional Office(Click for MoreInformation)

Reference Number(Click to Apply)


AvailabilitySummer Paid Placements Available in Albany

Appeals and Opinions is responsible for preparing and arguing civil appeals in New York’s state andfederal courts. The bureau prepares multistate amicus briefs filed in the U.S. Supreme Court andfederal courts nationwide, and it prepares amicus briefs and intervenes in actions to defend the

constitutionality of state laws in New York’s state and federal courts. The bureau provides formalopinions to state-level branches and agencies, and renders informal advisory opinions to municipal

attorneys to assist local governments.

Appeals & Opinions,Albany A&O_ALB_PLS_SUM_2024


The Charities Bureau regulates nonprofit organizations and their fundraisers and provides them withguidance and other resources to help them remain in compliance with the law. Additionally, Charitiesis responsible for supervising charitable organizations to protect donors and beneficiaries from fraud

by ensuring charitable donations are used as the donor intended. The Bureau conducts litigationagainst charitable organizations that fail to manage charitable assets and/or comply with applicable


Charities Bureau,Albany CHA_ALB_PLS_SUM_2024


Civil Recoveries recoups money owed to state agencies through affirmative litigation. This alsoincludes recovering the cost of care at the NYS’s four veterans’ homes.

Bureau, Albany CRB_ALB_PLS_SUM_2024


Claims defends the State and certain State authorities in the Court of Claims and defends individualState officers and employees in Supreme Court in civil actions for money damages arising in tort,

medical/dental malpractice, unjust conviction, and breach of contract matters.Claims Bureau, Albany CLA_ALB_PLS_SUM_2024 Hybrid Only

Litigation represents the state, its officers, and its agencies in state and federal courts in actionsinvolving almost every substantive area of the law. Litigation protects the public interest by defendingconstitutional challenges to state statutes, regulations, policies, and practices and by bringing actions

to enforce state laws and regulations.

Litigation Bureau,Albany LIT_ALB_PLS_SUM_2024


The Office of Special Investigation (OSI) investigates every death in NYS that may have been caused bya police officer or a peace officer, including corrections officers, pursuant to Executive Law 70-b. If

warranted, OSI attorneys seek criminal charges in connection with the death and prosecute anyresulting indictment. On deaths caused by a police officer or peace officer where a crime can’t be

proven beyond a reasonable doubt, OSI issues reports detailing the investigation.

Office of SpecialInvestigation, Albany OSI_ALB_PLS_SUM_2024



The Organized Crime Task Force (OCTF) conducts complex, long-term criminal investigations related tofraud, grand larceny, labor racketeering, and other white-collar crime as well as human trafficking.

Force, Albany OCTF_ALB_PLS_SUM_2024


Sex Offender Management (SOMB) was created to represent NYS in all Mental Hygiene Law Article 10litigation. Cases in SOMB frequently present questions of the Mental Hygiene Law, criminal law,

constitutional law, agency law and statutory interpretation. SOMB also works in concert with theArticle 10 partners to develop statewide protocols to further the goals of Article 10 in ensuring public


Sex OffenderManagement Bureau,




Summer Paid Placements Available in BuffaloThe OAG’s regional offices (RO) help carry out essential defensive, regulatory, and affirmative justicefunctions in every part of the state. Each RO is deeply engaged in local community affairs; conductingoutreach and educational presentations; and responding to New Yorkers’ complaints in critical areassuch as elder abuse, consumer fraud, tenants’ rights, immigration services fraud, election fraud, and

not-for-profit corporations.

Buffalo Regional Office BUF_PLS_SUM_2024 Hybrid Only

Environmental Protection (EPB) is focused on advancing environmental justice throughout the State.EPB enforces state and federal environmental laws that protect New Yorkers’ rights to clean air, cleanwater, and safe and healthy communities, and conducts investigations into violations of those laws.

EPB also defends in both federal and state courts the State’s executive agencies charged with

Protection Bureau,



The Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) investigates and prosecutes provider fraud in the NYSMedicaid Program and abuse, neglect, and mistreatment of residents in nursing homes and other

healthcare facilities. Possessing both civil and criminal enforcement powers, MFCU uses various state


and federal laws to bring civil actions and criminal proceedings, resulting in large-scale criminalconvictions and the recovery of millions of dollars of taxpayer money.

The Office of Special Investigation (OSI) investigates every death in NYS that may have been caused bya police officer or a peace officer, including corrections officers, pursuant to Executive Law 70-b. If

warranted, OSI attorneys seek criminal charges in connection with the death and prosecute anyresulting indictment. On deaths caused by a police officer or peace officer where a crime can’t be

proven beyond a reasonable doubt, OSI issues reports detailing the investigation.

Office of Special



Summer Paid Placements Available in New York CityThe OAG’s regional offices (RO) help carry out essential defensive, regulatory, and affirmative justicefunctions in every part of the state. Each RO is deeply engaged in local community affairs; conductingoutreach and educational presentations; and responding to New Yorkers’ complaints in critical areassuch as elder abuse, consumer fraud, tenants’ rights, immigration services fraud, election fraud, and

not-for-profit corporations.

Office BRO_PLS_SUM_2024


The OAG’s regional offices (RO) help carry out essential defensive, regulatory, and affirmative justicefunctions in every part of the state. Each RO is deeply engaged in local community affairs; conductingoutreach and educational presentations; and responding to New Yorkers’ complaints in critical areassuch as elder abuse, consumer fraud, tenants’ rights, immigration services fraud, election fraud, and

not-for-profit corporations.

Office HRM_PLS_SUM_2024


Appeals and Opinions is responsible for preparing and arguing civil appeals in New York’s state andfederal courts. The bureau prepares multistate amicus briefs filed in the U.S. Supreme Court andfederal courts nationwide, and it prepares amicus briefs and intervenes in actions to defend the

constitutionality of state laws in New York’s state and federal courts. The bureau provides formalopinions to state-level branches and agencies, and renders informal advisory opinions to municipal

attorneys to assist local governments.

Appeals & Opinions,New York City A&O_NYC_PLS_SUM_2024


The Charities Bureau regulates nonprofit organizations and their fundraisers and provides them withguidance and other resources to help them remain in compliance with the law. Additionally, Charitiesis responsible for supervising charitable organizations to protect donors and beneficiaries from fraud

by ensuring charitable donations are used as the donor intended. The Bureau conducts litigationagainst charitable organizations that fail to manage charitable assets and/or comply with applicable


Charities Bureau, NewYork City CHA_NYC_PLS_SUM_2024


Claims defends the State and certain State authorities in the Court of Claims and defends individualState officers and employees in Supreme Court in civil actions for money damages arising in tort,

medical/dental malpractice, unjust conviction, and breach of contract matters.

Claims Bureau, NewYork City CLA_NYC_PLS_SUM_2024


The Bureau of Consumer Frauds and Protection (CFP) enforces consumer protection laws byinvestigating and litigating against businesses and individuals engaged in fraudulent, misleading,

deceptive, or illegal trade practices. Cases typically seek injunctive relief, restitution for consumers,and penalties. CFP receives thousands of complaints each year from individual consumers covering a

wide range of consumer issues, which help to inform CFP’s investigation and litigation efforts.

Bureau of Consumer

New York CityCFP_NYC_PLS_SUM_2024



Criminal Enforcement & Financial Crimes (CEFC) investigates and prosecutes criminal acts related tosecurities fraud, tax fraud and other white-collar crimes. CEFC includes attorneys, investigators,

auditors, and analysts who conduct complex, long-term criminal investigations and prosecute casesstatewide, from charging through conviction.

Criminal Enforcement

Bureau, New York CityCEFC_NYC_PLS_SUM_2024 Hybrid Only

Environmental Protection (EPB) is focused on advancing environmental justice throughout the State.EPB enforces state and federal environmental laws that protect New Yorkers’ rights to clean air, cleanwater, and safe and healthy communities, and conducts investigations into violations of those laws.

EPB also defends in both federal and state courts the State’s executive agencies charged with

Protection Bureau,

New York CityEPB_NYC_PLS_SUM_2024 Hybrid Only

Investor Protection (IPB) pursues complex investigations and litigation using the Martin Act and otherlaws to protect the public from fraud and misrepresentation in the offering and sale of securities,

commodities, franchises, and other investment products. IPB’s regulatory work includes virtualcurrencies; addressing fraud in ESG disclosures; the marketing of speculative investment products to a

broad range of retail investors; and the need for greater racial equity across the financial system.

Investor ProtectionBureau, New York City IPB_NYC_PLS_SUM_2024



Litigation represents the state, its officers, and its agencies in state and federal courts in actionsinvolving almost every substantive area of the law. Litigation protects the public interest by defendingconstitutional challenges to state statutes, regulations, policies, and practices and by bringing actions

to enforce state laws and regulations.

Litigation Bureau, NewYork City LIT_NYC_PLS_SUM_2024



The Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) investigates and prosecutes provider fraud in the NYSMedicaid Program and abuse, neglect, and mistreatment of residents in nursing homes and other

healthcare facilities. Possessing both civil and criminal enforcement powers, MFCU uses various stateand federal laws to bring civil actions and criminal proceedings, resulting in large-scale criminal

convictions and the recovery of millions of dollars of taxpayer money.

Control Unit, New

York CityMFCU_NYC_PLS_SUM_2024 Hybrid Only

The Office of General Counsel (OGC) functions as in-house counsel to the AG and the OAG. OGC workscollaboratively across all divisions to provide guidance and develop legal strategies and responses;

draft, interpret, and implement OAG policies and procedures; identify potential litigation/policy issuesor strategies; implement compliance and supervise ethical determinations; interact with other

governmental and legal entities; and handle employee and other confidential matters as required.

Office of GeneralCounsel, New York

CityOGC_NYC_PLS_SUM_2024 Hybrid Only

The Office of Special Investigation (OSI) investigates every death in NYS that may have been caused bya police officer or a peace officer, including corrections officers, pursuant to Executive Law 70-b. If

warranted, OSI attorneys seek criminal charges in connection with the death and prosecute anyresulting indictment. On deaths caused by a police officer or peace officer where a crime can’t be

proven beyond a reasonable doubt, OSI issues reports detailing the investigation.

Office of Special

York CityOSI_NYC_PLS_SUM_2024



Public Integrity (PIB) investigates and prosecutes crimes committed by public employees, electedofficials, candidates for public office, and people and entities that steal from the government. PIB

conducts complex, long-term investigations into government corruption, fraud, bribery, and abuse ofauthority. PIB investigates and brings criminal charges against public servants and others who engage

in corruptive practices.

Public IntegrityBureau, New York City PIB_NYC_PLS_SUM_2024


The OAG, primarily through, Real Estate Finance (REF), regulates the offer of syndications andcooperative interests in realty, such as cooperatives, condominiums, timeshares, homeowners’

associations, and senior living communities. The OAG also regulates the conversion of rental buildingsto condominiums and cooperatives and the initial offer of certain affordable housing developments

and ensures all broker-dealers of real estate securities register with the AG.

Bureau, New York City REF_NYC_PLS_SUM_2024


Sex Offender Management (SOMB) was created to represent NYS in all Mental Hygiene Law Article 10litigation. Cases in SOMB frequently present questions of the Mental Hygiene Law, criminal law,

constitutional law, agency law and statutory interpretation. SOMB also works in concert with the

Sex OffenderManagement Bureau,

New York CitySOMB_NYC_PLS_SUM_2024



Recommended Skills

  • Certified Financial Planner
  • Claim Processing
  • Commodity Market
  • Consulting
  • Criminal Justice
  • Economy

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