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Women's Soccer Coach

1 Women's Soccer Coach
Jobs Available
in Oklahoma City, OK
$ 11.19 - 39.96/hour


Women's Soccer Coach Salary in Oklahoma City, OK

Similar Roles

Women's Soccer Coach also qualify for the following roles. You should evaluate them to see if they are better fit for your financial and life style goals

  • Head Coach
    $ 11.19 - 39.96/hour
  • Coach
    $ 11.19 - 39.96/hour

    Instruct or coach groups or individuals in the fundamentals of sports for the primary purpose of competition. Demonstrate techniques and methods of participation. May evaluate athletes' strengths and weaknesses as possible recruits or to improve the athletes' technique to prepare them for competition. Those required to hold teaching certifications should be reported in the appropriate teaching category.

  • Assistant Coach
    $ 11.19 - 39.96/hour

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