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Technology Analyst

583 Technology Analyst
Jobs Available
in New Hampshire
$ 24.25 - 71.94/hour


Technology Analyst Salary in New Hampshire

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Technology Analyst also qualify for the following roles. You should evaluate them to see if they are better fit for your financial and life style goals

  • Technical Lead
    $ 26.69 - 76.80/hour

    Lead a technical team in owing all technical operations. Troubleshoot technical issues that pertain to software development, engineering, and product releases. Identify and fix technical issues. Assess and address user needs. Establish end goals. Update software and applications. Oversee system notifications and conduct security audits. Monitor and audit technical staff and conduct training, as necessary. Establish all technical requirements and run all resulting activities.

  • Business Analyst (Business And Financial Operations)
    $ 19.38 - 63.11/hour

    Business Operations: Use keen critical thinking skills to evaluate business processes to discover areas for improvement. Typically requires collaboration with key stakeholders, development of process-improvement procedures, and implementation of strategies to achieve desired outcomes. May also require project management and performance monitoring. Financial Operations: Employ strong analytical skills to evaluate financial data, identify financial performance trends, assess financial risk, and make recommendations. Typically requires creating financial models, forecasting budgets and expenses, and researching economic conditions.

  • Systems Analyst
    $ 29.52 - 77.88/hour

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