Statistical Analyst (Computer and Mathematical)
Statistical Analyst (Computer And Mathematical) Salary in West Virginia
$74.95 / hour
West Virginia$74.95 / hour
NationalSimilar Roles
Statistical Analyst (Computer And Mathematical) also qualify for the following roles. You should evaluate them to see if they are better fit for your financial and life style goals
Data Analyst$ 24.25 - 71.94/hour
Collect, clean, refine and analyze data. Create and test a hypothesis based on different interpretations of data. Develop, maintain, and update the database to ensure accurate reporting of essential data. Build reports and dashboards to ensure smooth monitoring of business and/or process status. Update data collection systems and enable automation of data collection. Work with changing priorities and prioritize based on current business needs. Make ad-hoc reports and identify areas for increased efficiency, profitability, and reliability. Study market trends based on customer data and identify trends.
Statistical Programmer$ 26.11 - 75.81/hour
Programmer Analyst$ 26.11 - 75.81/hour
Design, develop, and implement computer programs and software. Establish company’s IT needs and design a custom solution to meet requirements. Respond to employee IT support requests. Solve technical problems and help employees navigate the company’s computer solutions including implemented software and intranets. Execute technical activities as both a system analyst and computer programmer. Develop support documentation for applications.
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