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Maintenance Supervisor (Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance)
146,105 Maintenance Supervisor (Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance)
Jobs Available
in US
14.00 - 32.39/hour
Hourly Salary of Maintenance Supervisor (Building And Grounds Cleaning And Maintenance)
Maintenance Supervisor (Building And Grounds Cleaning And Maintenance) Salary in US
Below Avg.
$21.05 / hour
Above Avg.
Recommended articles for Maintenance Supervisor (Building And Grounds Cleaning And Maintenance) in US

Is becoming an hourly or salaried employee better?
CareerBuilder | June 21, 2022
Learn why some jobs are salaried and some are hourly, the differences between these payment methods, and how to choose the best option.
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Recommended Jobs for Maintenance Supervisor (Building And Grounds Cleaning And Maintenance) in US
20 days agoMaintenance Supervisor (Production)IN - Kokomo Contractor$34.00/HourQuick Apply
S11 days agoMaintenance Supervisor (Building And Grounds Cleaning And Maintenance)Silver Tree Residential FL - Panama City Beach Full-Time$28.00 - $32.00/HourQuick Apply
R10 days agoMaintenance Supervisor City PlaceRoyal American Management, Inc. FL - Dania Beach Full-Time$18,000 - $20,000/Year
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