Building Supervisor (Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance)
Resumes of Building Supervisor (Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance)
Writing an effective Building Supervisor (Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance) resume is an essential part of your job search. Make sure you include a summary of your experience and goals, plus, list relevant work experience, certifications and computer programs you know. Also, highlight your skills, such as: being a good communicator, managing projects and more.
Be sure to use some of the same words found in the job description, and don't forget to proofread! Our Building Supervisor (Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance) resume examples will guide you through this process. Build your resume at CareerBuilder in a few clicks or, upload an existing one, now.
Typical Building Supervisor (Building And Grounds Cleaning And Maintenance) responsibilities to be added to your resume.
Evaluate employee performance and recommend personnel actions, such as promotions, transfers, and dismissals.
Plan and prepare employee work schedules.
Direct activities for stopping the spread of infections in facilities, such as hospitals.
Coordinate activities with other departments to ensure that services are provided in an efficient and timely manner.
Inspect and evaluate the physical condition of facilities to determine the type of work required.
Inspect work performed to ensure that it meets specifications and established standards.
Maintain required records of work hours, budgets, payrolls, and other information.
Select and order or purchase new equipment, supplies, or furnishings.
Check and maintain equipment to ensure that it is in working order.
Supervise in-house services, such as laundries, maintenance and repair, dry cleaning, or valet services.
Confer with staff to resolve performance and personnel problems, and to discuss company policies.
Perform grounds maintenance tasks, such as removing snow and mowing the lawn.
Advise managers, desk clerks, or admitting personnel of rooms ready for occupancy.
Investigate complaints about service and equipment, and take corrective action.
Prepare reports on activity, personnel, and information, such as occupancy, hours worked, facility usage, work performed, and departmental expenses.
Inventory stock to ensure that supplies and equipment are available in adequate amounts.
Forecast necessary levels of staffing and stock at different times to facilitate effective scheduling and ordering.
Instruct staff in work policies and procedures, and the use and maintenance of equipment.
Screen job applicants, and hire new employees.
Establish and implement operational standards and procedures for the departments supervised.
Perform or assist with cleaning duties as necessary.
Perform financial tasks, such as estimating costs and preparing and managing budgets.
Select the most suitable cleaning materials for different types of linens, furniture, flooring, and surfaces.
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