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Patrol Officer

254 Patrol Officer
Jobs Available
in Bakersfield, CA
$ 22.27 - 60.24/hour


Patrol Officer Salary in Bakersfield, CA

Similar Roles

Patrol Officer also qualify for the following roles. You should evaluate them to see if they are better fit for your financial and life style goals

  • Control Officer (Protective Service)
    $ 13.03 - 27.15/hour
  • Security Officer (Protective Service)
    $ 13.03 - 27.15/hour

    Direct an organization's security functions, including physical security and safety of employees and facilities.

  • Armed Security Officer
    $ 14.61 - 21.95/hour

    Ensure safety of property, staff, and visitors by employing effective surveillance techniques. Usually includes addressing suspicious activities, patrolling property, and staying alert. May require verification of identity of people accessing property, removal trespassers, and usage of firearm in emergency situations.

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