Operations Manager (Construction and Extraction)
Operations Manager (Construction And Extraction) Salary in New Hampshire
$37.35 / hour
New Hampshire$37.35 / hour
NationalSimilar Roles
Operations Manager (Construction And Extraction) also qualify for the following roles. You should evaluate them to see if they are better fit for your financial and life style goals
Operations Manager (Management)$ 20.90 - 106.38/hour
Plan, direct, or coordinate the operations of public or private sector organizations, overseeing multiple departments or locations. Duties and responsibilities include formulating policies, managing daily operations, and planning the use of materials and human resources, but are too diverse and general in nature to be classified in any one functional area of management or administration, such as personnel, purchasing, or administrative services. Usually manage through subordinate supervisors. Excludes First-Line Supervisors.
Project Manager (Management)$ 32.91 - 101.19/hour
Analyze and coordinate the schedule, timeline, procurement, staffing, and budget of a product or service on a per project basis. Lead and guide the work of technical staff. May serve as a point of contact for the client or customer.
Customer Service Representative (Office And Administrative Support)$ 12.71 - 30.24/hour
Interact with customers to provide basic or scripted information in response to routine inquiries about products and services. May handle and resolve general complaints. Excludes individuals whose duties are primarily installation, sales, repair, and technical support.
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