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Nurse Educator (Healthcare Practitioners and Technical)

924 Nurse Educator (Healthcare Practitioners and Technical)
Jobs Available
in Pennsylvania
$ 15.30 - 55.58/hour


Nurse Educator (Healthcare Practitioners And Technical) Salary in Pennsylvania

Similar Roles

Nurse Educator (Healthcare Practitioners And Technical) also qualify for the following roles. You should evaluate them to see if they are better fit for your financial and life style goals

  • Registered Nurse
    $ 29.45 - 62.21/hour

    Assess patient health problems and needs, develop and implement nursing care plans, and maintain medical records. Administer nursing care to ill, injured, convalescent, or disabled patients. May advise patients on health maintenance and disease prevention or provide case management. Licensing or registration required.

  • Staff Nurse
    $ 41.99 - 79.44/hour

    A full-time nurse is required for on-site support of company staff. Must be a registered nurse from an accredited school of nursing and retain the accreditation throughout employment. Required to provide first aid for any minor injury cases and escalate if the case is too serious to handle on-site. Counsel and assist the patient family as well as patient to create a safe and therapeutic environment. Work with a recovery-focused attitude. Assist patients to understand their treatment plans and follow up when needed to check if they are following the plan. Provide administrative support to the medical doctors and consultants related to patient care. Provide help support and ensure that all sanitary guidelines are met to provide a clean and sanitary environment on the entire premises.

  • Nurse Manager (Management)
    $ 22.56 - 71.09/hour

    Lead operations of the nursing department as well as oversee the respective nursing staff. Supervise care delivery systems to ensure efficiency and accuracy. Coordinate with the Director of Nursing and/or Care Unit Manager to meet both facility and patient-care goals. Develop and uphold established nursing processes and procedures. Supervise distribution of medication, treatment, and therapies to safeguard quality control and adherence to local and state regulations. Budgeting and meeting management skills are also required.

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