Medical Review Specialist
Medical Review Specialist Salary in Newark, NJ
$28.70 / hour
Newark, NJ$24.55 / hour
NationalSimilar Roles
Medical Review Specialist also qualify for the following roles. You should evaluate them to see if they are better fit for your financial and life style goals
Customer Service Representative (Office And Administrative Support)$ 13.64 - 29.76/hour
Interact with customers to provide basic or scripted information in response to routine inquiries about products and services. May handle and resolve general complaints. Excludes individuals whose duties are primarily installation, sales, repair, and technical support.
Claims Examiner$ 29.16 - 62.85/hour
Collections Specialist$ 16.79 - 29.09/hour
Locate and notify customers of delinquent accounts by mail, telephone, or personal visit to solicit payment. Duties include receiving payment and posting amount to customer's account, preparing statements to credit department if customer fails to respond, initiating repossession proceedings or service disconnection, and keeping records of collection and status of accounts.
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