Mathematics Instructor
Mathematics Instructor Salary in Honolulu, HI
$27.55 / hour
Honolulu, HI$43.35 / hour
NationalSimilar Roles
Mathematics Instructor also qualify for the following roles. You should evaluate them to see if they are better fit for your financial and life style goals
Tutor$ 11.21 - 28.92/hour
Introduce, present, and guide respective students on individualized learning topics. Prepare and execute lesson plans, select appropriate textbooks/learning materials, craft corresponding student study guide/syllabus to teach and enrich learning on a specific topic. Understand and address all students' questions and particular learning needs. Provide students with personalized assistance to cultivate topic proficiency.
High School Mathematics Teacher$ 13.67 - 31.60/hour
Graduate Assistant$ 14.00 - 29.89/hour
Assist faculty or other instructional staff in postsecondary institutions by performing instructional support activities, such as developing teaching materials, leading discussion groups, preparing and giving examinations, and grading examinations or papers.
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