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Mastercam Programmer

13 Mastercam Programmer
Jobs Available
in Santa Ana, CA
$ 22.93 - 51.02/hour


Mastercam Programmer Salary in Santa Ana, CA

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Mastercam Programmer also qualify for the following roles. You should evaluate them to see if they are better fit for your financial and life style goals

  • Cnc Programmer
    $ 22.93 - 51.02/hour
  • Cnc Machinist
    $ 17.11 - 36.72/hour
  • Cnc Operator
    $ 14.54 - 19.89/hour

    Must have training and/or experience of operating a computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine. Experience in operating a lathe machine, drilling machine, milling machine, or similar tools is preferred. Works as part of a team to ensure that the required parts are ready as per schedule to ensure there is no bottleneck. May be required to assist in other workshop activities like cleaning, grinding, cutting parts, or machine maintenance. Should be able to understand shop drawings including 2D/3D CAD models. Required to use power tools and the software of the CNC machine to ensure the product is made as per each customer’s requirements. Assist the maintenance department during major repairs and follow all safety and health guidelines at all times.

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