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Information Technology (IT) Project Coordinator

8 Information Technology (IT) Project Coordinator
Jobs Available
in Port St Lucie, FL
$ 13.89 - 43.46/hour


Information Technology (It) Project Coordinator Salary in Port St Lucie, FL

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Information Technology (It) Project Coordinator also qualify for the following roles. You should evaluate them to see if they are better fit for your financial and life style goals

  • Project Manager (Management)
    $ 21.87 - 82.16/hour

    Analyze and coordinate the schedule, timeline, procurement, staffing, and budget of a product or service on a per project basis. Lead and guide the work of technical staff. May serve as a point of contact for the client or customer.

  • Project Coordinator (Management)
    $ 13.89 - 43.46/hour
  • Project Manager (Computer And Mathematical)
    $ 13.89 - 43.46/hour

    Plan, initiate, and manage information technology (IT) projects. Lead and guide the work of technical staff. Serve as liaison between business and technical aspects of projects. Plan project stages and assess business implications for each stage. Monitor progress to assure deadlines, standards, and cost targets are met.

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