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Food Supervisor

1,007 Food Supervisor
Jobs Available
in Scottsdale, AZ
$ 13.84 - 19.03/hour


Food Supervisor Salary in Scottsdale, AZ

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Food Supervisor also qualify for the following roles. You should evaluate them to see if they are better fit for your financial and life style goals

  • Assistant Supervisor (Food Preparation And Serving Related)
    $ 14.22 - 21.77/hour
  • Food Service Manager (Food Preparation And Serving Related)
    $ 14.22 - 21.77/hour
  • Food Service Worker
    $ 13.84 - 19.03/hour

    Willingness and ability to understand and follow all procedures like cleaning standards, food handling standards, and general health and safety standards of the organization. Ensure top customer service standards are delivered consistently to all customers every day. Work to ensure admin tasks are completed in every shift e.g., restocking, inventory update, and any documentation work. Work as part of a team to ensure prompt and comprehensive table waiting. Bussing tables and waiting on guests. Assist in kitchen and cleaning duties whenever required. Ability to perform paid overtime on short notice. Follow all food and beverage protocols and help get new employees up to speed.

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